CanvasLive: Getting Started

Well, it wouldn’t be a new project without a new blog: CanvasLIVE Playground. That will be the space where I can start evolving some CanvasLIVE materials, and of course that is the homepage (blog-as-homepage) for a new Canvas course I created to document and test things: Playground course space. And I made a URL: to make that easy to remember.

Then I started by testing out my random/daily Growth Mindset Cats in the DISCUSSION area. It worked! See the screenshots. I like the idea of exploring possibilities like this that might be helpful to other instructors even if I don’t use Canvas Discussion myself.

I’ll say more about randomized/daily content in a separate post (today ran away from me), but first I went to check at the Canvas Community to see what other “random” content I could find there, and I only found randomized quiz questions and randomized group/peer assignments. I did not find any random content approaches, so hopefully my randomizers can be a good new contribution. I love the power of random: it’s like a game. 🙂

So, just for fun I will paste in my Growth Mindset Cat randomizer here; just reload for more power of random.
